Quick start

Quickly get up and running with Everest

Everest.js can be used as a global variable or an AMD module. Either way you first need to install the library in your page.


Manual install

Download Everest.min.js if, it's not already done, and reference it with jQuery in your page

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/everest.min.js"></script>

Bower install

Alternatively you can use Bower to download Everest.js

$bower install everest

And then you reference jQuery and Everest from your bower_components path.

<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/everest/dist/everest.min.js"></script>


Once loaded in your page, Everest exports itself as a global variable : window.everest or the cooler shortcut window.ê

REST Client

To start querying REST APIs, you need to create a REST client :

// Create a new RestClient. See below for options.
var restClient = ê.createRestClient({
    host: "api.github.com", // required
    useSSL: true

Once the REST client is created, you can start using it :

// Fetch releases from Everest.js github repository
    .done(function(response) {
        console.log("REST call succeeded", response);
    .fail(function() {
        console.log("REST call failed", arguments);

Or update your REST resource :

// To update github api releases, you must be authenticated

// Add authorization header for every requests.
restClient.withHeader("Authorization", "token OAUTH-TOKEN");

// Execute a partial update (PATCH) as required by GitHub API to update releases
restClient.partialUpdate("/repos/PulsarBlow/releases/504659", {
    name: "New name for my release tag"
    .done(function(response) {
        console.log("REST call succeeded", response);
    .fail(function() {
        console.log("REST call failed", arguments);

And so on... The REST client supports :

  • Resource read (GET) : restClient.read(...)
  • Resource read (POST) : restClient.create(...)
  • Resource read (PUT) : restClient.update(...)
  • Resource read (PATCH) : restClient.partialUpdate(...)
  • Resource read (DELETE) : restClient.remove(...)

REST Client options

Name Type Required Default Allowed Description
host string x Host for your API. eg. api.github.com
dataFormat string json json, xml, atom, Data exchange format (content-type)
dataEncoding string utf-8 Any encoding Data exchange encoding
useCache bool true true|false Activate/Deactivate cache for GET/HEAD requests
useSSL bool false true|false Use HTTP or HTTPS

And much more...

Everest provides much more useful REST and HTTP features.
Read the documentation for a complete features overview.


Compiled and minified JavaScript. No docs or original source files are included.

Currently v1.1.1-alpha

Source code

If you haven't already, download the source code for Everest.